
Monday 17 February 2020


Nothing to do with climate change and all to do with buildings and infrastructure, although a months rain in 48 hours is certainly a lot of rain. If water cannot go where it is meant to go, it will go where it can go.

A whale came down the Thames estuary recently, surely it came to warn England that a big storm was coming. First we had storm Ciara, and now storm Dennis in recent days. Over 300 planes have been grounded and in scripture Jesus warned people about taking flight in the wintertime.

They built houses close to the coastline and in the mid 90s the LORD gave his millennium prophecies. "Stay away from the coastlines as they will be taken by the sea".

They build houses on flood plains, they remove farmland, meadows, trees, hedges and ditches to build more houses, infrastructure and motorways. Homes built in high risk flood areas have increased every year, concreting doesn't help either. Cover the land in concrete and where can the water go?

Then they shout that they require flood barriers that don't work anyway. Sometimes we ask where is their common sense because nature is stronger than man. Although spiritual people have been known to reduce the size of a storm when we worked together to do so.

It is written that in the UK we haven't had this much water for 200 years. When the water comes it is a great biblical reminder to those that have their eyes open and our hearts in the right place. I looked at a local river yesterday and the water wasn't high at all and it hadn't flooded the land.

This lady says that women have more common sense than men Whereas wisdom says that some women have more common sense than town planners and politicians. A cottage in three acres in Ireland.

It is an important reminder of what the prophets were sent to deliver to the people who had the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to comprehend.

Abel Mayim, the meadow of water. So are you able to dance through the meadows and rejoice tribe of Ephraim? For England is the land of Joseph, yes, the mysterious youngest son of Joseph lived upon this land.

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