
Tuesday 18 February 2020


3rd of March, Venus enters Taurus and Mercury enters Aquarius again. On the 9th Full Moon in Virgo and Mercury stations direct. 16th Mercury enters Pisces. 20th Sun enters Aries. 21st Saturn enters Aquarius. 22nd Mars conjunct Pluto. 23rd New Moon in Aries. 30th Mars enters Aquarius/conjunct Saturn. I've already been through my second saturn return, so I don't feel impacted by Saturn anymore.

Big changes for the Aquarian water bearers in March, 2020 that does align with yours truly being in a new cycle of time of a three year for wisdom more precious than rubies.

That also aligns with the leather saddle dream received in February, being given a cream leather saddle on the third anniversary and as we know March is the third month of this year. I received boots with buckles, and a saddle, the riding seat, the merkabh. Then there were the recent farming dreams too, all related to the countryside and life in a rural community.

Time to move forward with the solutions and as Cameron and Patrick say it is time to get serious about your talent and what you have to offer in a productive way. My son is also an Aquarian so I like to view what the planetary energies are for him too, my son is a double Aquarian.

It is a great time to complete any projects, a great time for a Spring clean and a lick of paint, a great time to plant those new seeds. February as been interesting due to the dreams that I have received most days of the week and the dreams have been a catapult for moving yours truly forward in the right direction. I even dreamt of tarot cards and that was a message of a new beginning that is filled with happiness in the Springtime. This work card of new beginnings is for February, March and April and it is fertile time.

If you are an Aquarian you might like to have a listen to what the guys are saying about March.

I have a Sagittarius ascendent, my rising sign so let's take a look at that too. Looks like a possibility of moving is in relationship with my work life, that makes a lot of common sense as my work with health is a priority and that can include creative projects and farming for health.

I enjoy painting as I found it pleasurable to include healing art in my life. Like music it is pleasurable although it is not my main focus in life. Health and healing is my priority, as it can help so many people to make a breakthrough. Just think of the power of going somewhere, where you know that someone will cook something especially for you and your health conditions, how special would you feel? How empowered would you feel if you knew that someone cared enough about you to tailor make a special recipe especially designed for you?

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