
Wednesday 12 February 2020

New Moon in Pisces 23rd February 2020

Bracha Goldsmith says that this forthcoming New Moon in Pisces is a powerful one on the 23rd of February, 2020. It has four planets in watery Pisces and four planets in earthy Capricorn.

Pisces is usually very creative, talented creatively. Hence with this new moon in Capricorn, it is about how can you make your creativity work for you, how can you make it manifest prosperity for you. Creativity is about potential, accessing your potential to manifest creatively. 

Whereas Capricorn is very grounded and likes reality to be planned ahead e.g. writing a business plan is very Capricorn. Funding the self is very Capricorn, facts are very Capricorn. Capricorns like facts, they like science, they like back up, they like strategy and strategic moves as Capricorn tend to be slow and cautious movers. Whereas Pisces like going with the flow, like fishes swimming in water. 

How can you create your life so that you can prosper in a tangible way and manifest in different ways depending where the planets are in your birth chart? 

My view in this timeline don't keep all of the fish in the baskets, remember the Parable of the Net! 

Remember the teachings of Jesus and the net for this timeline. Select the best fish and throw the rest back into the sea. For the apostles of Jesus only the righteous fish is good enough. 

It's no coincidence that I received an email today about an old English cottage that is for rent and that comes after I had the Prince Charles dream wherein I was living in an old converted barn with a vegetable patch at the length of it. 

Prince Charles Dream and the Barn 

It is no coincidence that on my birthday prior to this new moon in Pisces, I will be going to a barn and there is a restaurant, cafe and garden centre in that location. The location isn't far from the cottage for rent. Hence this new moon could signify letting go of contents and property, in preparation for moving on from the property that I am in. 

Other recent dreams appear to be manifesting as I received a leather saddle in a different dream as a gift. Leather is an anniversary gift for the third year and on the 13th I will be moving into a three year in my life cycle and that's a great year for wisdom more previous than rubies. 

The dreams that I have received this month have stipulated good luck and a fortunate life was on it's way. 


In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven being like treasure hidden in a field, after a man found it, the man hid it again. In his joy, he sold all he had and bought the field. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant trying to find fine pearls, when he found a great pearl, he went away and sold everything so he could buy the pearl. As we know the great pearl is symbolic of wisdom. Indeed, great wisdom. 

Jesus spoke of the Sower, and of the Kingdom of Heaven being like a mustard seed. The interesting aspect of seeds is that they metabolise the fastest in the body. 

This new moon is in my 2nd house. Robert Currey from Equinox wrote the following to yours truly. 

"The Sun continues to stress the part of your chart that relates to your earnings, personal finances, and material values. Pay deals and financial settlements should be finalised on or just after the New Moon on the 23rd of February,  if they are to work to your advantage. But this down to earth phase is, from 25th of February, replaced  by a more communicative period, when you are speaking, writing and thinking with more fluency". 

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