
Wednesday 12 February 2020

Cottage Gardening Small Space

In this short video it features a small space cottage garden in Australia, a really lovely use of space and it includes raised beds that look amazing in the front of the cottage. The owners chose weathered steel for their raised bed due to the steel taking up less room than wood. In the back garden you can see their BBQ space, they love their BBQ's in Australia.

The storm Ciara has really finished off my temporary greenhouses in England, so I am going to have to rethink my plan for my healing garden in 2020. This will be my 4th year of food and herb growing, it has gone incredibly quickly. Although a lot will depend on where I am living, as it looks like there is a move coming up sooner rather than later.

On the 5th of February, 2020, I dreamt of being shown a vegetable patch garden in England that was close to a barn. I called the dream the Prince Charles dream because he appeared and spoke in the dream.

On the 8th of February, 2020, I received a FARMING DREAM.

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