
Monday 10 February 2020

Squash and Red Pepper Soup

I like to make soup with lots of important nutrients. This evening I made a squash and red pepper soup. Red peppers have more nutrients than the other colours.

Three cloves of garlic, a small red onion chopped, half of a large sweet pepper capsicum sliced thinly, three tomatoes chopped, two celery stalks chopped small and cooked until soft in carotina healthy oil.

Include water as required to keep it moist and a spoonful of tomato puree, keeping topping up as required.  When cooked to soft put in small squares of the squash to soften with a pinch of pink salt, two large pinches of basil and of oregano.

Allow the soup to cool then put into the blender and then include a splash of red wine.

Lovely served with grated cheese on top, cheese and biscuits, and a side salad for a light supper providing two portions. Double the quantity of ingredients for a family of four.

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