
Tuesday 7 January 2020

Genius At Work

Genius at work in more ways than one. Why me George? Big smiles. Since the recent communications with George Michael, things have moved forward. At last, we've got some action this week. 

It's no coincidence that my birth chart annual report document (purchased from Robert Currey at Equinox) indicates that this eclipse on the 10th of January comes in my 7th house and George was born in the sun sign of Cancer the Crab. 

The map of my life mentioned the possibility of meetings with bankers, accountants and/or lawyers offering helpful advice and how what transpired would affect the next twelve months of my life. 

It mentions an important contact, a meeting or the finalisation of a contract, hence there are legal implications related to what is happening in my life around the time of this eclipse. 

I was invited to attend such meetings today for later in the week, so once again Robert Currey is accurate. The 7th house is specific, as it relates to specific people working together to help the world, a shared purpose. 

That is something that George Michael was and is still very interested in, especially helping the poor that are being deprived of their liberty. Helping people who are suffering and sad matches my map of life exactly for this timeline and this transit is closely linked to the time of my birth. Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January when it moves into Pisces and Mars is in my ascendent sign of Sagittarius. 

"Ways to enlarge the scope of your long-term plans in a tangible way are open to you. Progress can come where you have been patiently building on solid ground in the past. Opportunities and contracts arise at work. With the right moves over the next two years, you'll prosper on a sound basis for many years to come". 

George Michael says "Fear of death has been destroyed, Spirit lives".  Indeed George, indeed, thank you for helping those that you have helped. I really do appreciate it. 

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