
Tuesday 7 January 2020


I've began painting for the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th of January, 2020. The Lunar eclipse is in Cancer the Crab and in the gematria of the series it is the gematria of the "FINDER" so I've called this lunar eclipse the finder eclipse. So what shall you find this eclipse while Venus is still in Aquarius? Will you find something or someone that can help you?



The painting is in two colours on card size A3. 

I am working on solving the damage to my neck that we now know began due to an accident in the bath in September 2009. My health plan is to implement a test with Boswelli that is an edible source of Frankincense. We know from scientific research in British universities that Boswelli can help cancer patients as it was found to be more powerful than chemo and drugs, one of the universities found that it can also help people with arthritis.

My health plan for the next three months, continue with nutrition, I've now included Lemongrass that I am also growing, and I am including Boswelli has a supplement purchased from a British company on-line. Therapy wise, I am continuing with therapeutic massage monthly, Reflexology and Reiki healing, I may also have some more acupuncture. 

On the 13th of January, 2020, Venus moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces, so it will be a fishy time after the eclipse of the finder.  I do eat fish and seafood. Especially oily fish that includes smoked mackerel, marinated herrings, marinated anchovies. Crabs are great for Zinc, although they are very expensive in the UK even from a fish stall we are talking £5 for a small crab. 

Time for the paper notebook and journaling the next phase of the journey with the serious cases that I am working on. Completion of one era and the beginning of the new era of spiritual transformation to help others that are brought into my life. 

As Jesus said, "for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" Matthew 18:20. He loves his healers that trust in him and our journey together completely. He loves it when our souls return to our blessed healing work. He loves it when we live our lives as we were meant to live. 

Some people embraced pharmaceuticals to change nature, I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change. 

Did you find heavens window? How many heavens did you find?

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