
Wednesday 8 January 2020


"The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame, in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers" Isaiah 10-17.

That's an interesting verse when you look at the name of the company of Nigel Farage and what happened in the general election in the UK in December 2019.

This song reminds me of a platonic friend that passed over on his boat, he was such a great friend and a colleague of mutual respect. We met while I was exhibiting on the spiritual circuit and he stayed in touch after that. When we met he purchased a copy of the collected sayings, "Sacred Words".

He really enjoyed looking at my written articles and double checking my historical facts and timelines, some of those articles I still haven't shared. Keith was involved in the publishing industry and we discussed all sorts of things including his visit to Afghanistan in the 70s. He had travelled a lot on his life journey and so appreciated what I was sharing. It was something completely different for him to engage with, so true to yours truly, so real.


That song mentions Paris, I took my mother and her friends to Paris in the 70s, the only reason I took my mother to Paris was because she loved going to Paris due to having her honeymoon in Paris. I didn't like that location at all in the 70s, just didn't like the energy of it.

Rik has been talking about the importance of Taurus in the next week and I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th house. The 4th house indicates the devoted daughter, and parents, a strict upbringing. That is often the case with a first born. Parents tend to be more relaxed with the next child.

The 5th house is more physical and sensual and it includes creative expression, a person that has Taurus in the 5th house is said to leave their mark on the world in a helpful way.

Isaiah 58:11 mentions the strengthening of the frame in a hot country, and I was fortunate to spend a year in Australia and my health vastly improved, especially my skin condition. There were loads of missions in Europe and then the day came to walk the land of Israel in 2006 and 2007. After that it was America in 2008, and I certainly received a lot of sunshine to my body in Florida, my frame was strengthened as the Isaiah prophecy foretold it would be.

Dad, the Son of Joseph chose to take his children to hotter climates for our holidays when he could afford to do so. I followed suit and took my son on as many holidays abroad as I could afford too.

When at home in England, in the summer, I also took my son regularly to the beach on sunny days,  although he's not really a beach person. Quality time with your families is essential for their development and growth.

We've had floods in England recently, although the news from Israel is that flooding has been fatal.

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