
Wednesday 27 March 2019

Psoriatic Arthritis Upate

In 2016, there was a blog post on "Signs of Psoriatic Arthritis", in the blog post I mentioned podiatry for the feet. Since that time I found my own Podiatrist and the diagnosis was "psoriatic arthritis" in my toes. Although I mainly get pain in the big toe on the right foot and the nail is lifting up.

One of the medical issues with psoriatic arthritis is that it isn't picked up with a blood test. Although it can be clearly seen if you look at a person's skin and nails. In Reflexology, the big toe connects to the brain. Having reflexology treatments certainly help your body, I also have full body massages on a regular basis with a Sports Massage Therapist.

If you find yourself a professional Podiatrist, they will give you a foot bath, some chiropody, make sure that you have the right fittings for your shoes to support the arches in your feet. They will also give you some feet exercises to do.

With the hands, the golden sultanas soaked in gin worked to eliminate pain from those, my hands were made stronger, and it solved the carpel tunnel syndrome. However, arthritis doesn't like being in water for any length of time. So when bathing wash and then get out of the bath immediately.

If you stay in the bath for too long, you will feel the pain coming back. If you are a Reiki practitioner then it is imperative that you keep your joints flexible so that you can give healing to your feet and toes. Otherwise you are unable to reach them with hands on.

Aromatherapy oils are great for the feet, after having a bath put on some tea tree oil or some aniseed oil. Then put on clean socks to keep the aroma in, during a bath the pores of the skin are open, so that is the best time to put the oil on.

Aniseed is also a great aroma for your feet and shoes. Aniseed is one of the aromatherapy oils from Tibetan Medicine and is recommended for the soles of your feet. It's also great for reducing lymphodema.

Holy Grail

Psoriasis is due to mutated genetics, it is a condition that can be inherited, although it can also be caused by cuts in childhood, because cuts in childhood mutates genetics. The science in that regard was published in New Scientist in May, 2006. Cuts in childhood can cause allergies too.

I stood on a broken glass in the Medway river age 7, and I still have the scar under my left foot. The wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. I received a dog bite to my left hand whilst at junior school, another cut to the body. It was fashionable when my generation were teenagers for doctors to remove the tonsils, the body was cut again. Did you know that when the body experiences physical trauma it changes DNA?

An American contraceptive device was put inside my body by family planning, that caused "abnormal cells" and operative procedure was required. Then my left hand was cut again when a nail went deeply into the left hand while looking for a home to purchase. A plank of wood came straight up at me with a nail in it.

After the second injury to the left hand, the bone in that hand swelled, and I have two scars in the left hand, one from the corgi, and one from the nail. Interesting that the scars create the initials YW. 

It is written that only 15% of people that experience Psoriasis during their lives, also develop Psoriatic Arthritis. The external skin does like receiving the milk from oats, so if you have Psoriatic Arthritis you could try a foot bath at home with milk from the oats. You put the oats in some muslin, make a bag of it, then soak the bag in the water and squeeze out the milk from it onto your skin.

Of course you might like to eat oats too, I enjoy them in the wintertime. Although I do like my sprouts roasted in honey and oats. Sometimes I put in some sesame seeds too. Sesame seeds and oil are great for skin.

As far as solutions are concerned it's best not to take any medication for it, because the pharmaceuticals will not cure the mutated genetics that is the root cause of it.

Sleep and rest is crucial, so make sure that you get plenty of rest and rest when your body is asking you to rest. If and when you don't feel like doing anything, then don't, listen to your body and nurture the self with the appropriate nutrients. Don't ever force yourself or your body.

Some people will try to tell you that it is an autoimmune condition, it isn't. The medics still don't know everything about the body and how the body works.

Concentrate on helping your skin, because if you help your skin internally and externally, you are also helping your muscles and ligaments that support the joints.

What did Jesus ask for? He asked for olives for the skin, and for an elderly man he asked for Reiki and fish oils for his joints. The great thing about Reiki is that it increases the oxygen in the blood, by least 30% and oxygen is essential for the cells of your body.

In recent years he also showed me the small fish, a plate of whitebait. I also eat marinated herrings and anchovies and last week I bought haddock to have for breakfast with a poached egg. Sometimes I have Scottish smoked salmon with scrambled eggs as a treat. That was Diana's favourite breakfast.

Also get as much sunshine to your body as possible. I found that when I was living in the sunshine, in Australia, the Psoriasis cleared up at least 95%. Of course I was also swimming regularly in the sea water too and I was 20 years younger.

While I was in Israel in 2006, I met people that had been sent to Israel from Denmark, the Danish with Psoriasis were sent to Israel every year for a month, paid for by the Danish government. The Danish shared that it was the sunshine that improved their skin condition.

This health condition does impede upon your quality of life, so do your utmost to live your life as easy as you can for your body. Don't allow the medical profession to push you around, don't take their pharmaceuticals, and develop your own menus that are most suitable for the health condition's that you are encountering. There are different systems in the body that can and do impact upon each other.

If you can afford holidays in the sunshine, then save up for your essential holidays for your health and make sure you make your life as stress free as it can possibly be. Make health your number one priority.  Do everything that you can to make your life easier and pleasant for you, and listen to some great music.

Also do something that takes your mind off of your health condition too. For some people that can be gardening, and painting that I enjoy very much. Do whatever you enjoy to do and keep your bodies moving. I've developed some body stretches that I like to do daily at home easily. So what can you do to help yourself?

Walking doesn't get enough oxygen to the brain, so I have an inversion table for increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain. I do partial inversion and that stops sciatica and it stretches the back and limbs too.

This is worth reviewing on this subject matter, it's a blog post from 2015,  "Posttrauma Arthritis Research Project".

Almonds are great for skin and I do like my almonds. I try to have a couple of kilo's of ground almonds a month and as much as 500grams of ground hazelnuts.

Carrot, Barley and Olive Soup

Lentils and Chick Peas Research

Asparagus and Avocado Salad

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