
Wednesday 27 March 2019


Sad news today, there have been another six stabbings in London, and a 14 year old youngster was mowed down by a speeding car that was driven by a Muslim. The youngster was crossing the road in Luton, when he was hit by the car, Luton, Tommy's home town.

The teenager has serious injuries and internal bleeding. So sending the 14 year old and all the other youngsters that have been harmed, the power of love. My healing thoughts are with you this evening.

Put country and people above politics, it is a "Life or Death" situation for our country and culture. How many more young people have to die before the parliamentarians will be voted out? Parliament where all they do is talk, all talk and no action. Actions speak louder than words.

It has got to the point now whereby parliament has to be replaced, as it no longer serves the will of the people. A tiny minority of people making decisions for the majority of us.

MPs that were elected on the basis of leave, and in three years they've achieved nothing that helps young people climb out of the environments that they find themselves in.

For three years the increase due to knife crime as increased hugely.  Turn your hearts to the children and their future, there is only a future for our children if we leave the EU, no deal, just leave.

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