
Tuesday 5 March 2024

50 Year Low UK Home Buyers

The Daily Mail share information on a recent report that shows that "homeowners are struggling to move up to larger properties because of interest rates. The number of mortgages handed to those who already owned a home was at the lowest level since 1974 last year - a 26 per cent drop from 2022. 

Figures from trade body UK Finance revealed that home loans to first-time buyers also feel by 22 per cent to the lowest level since 2013." 

There is mention of the possibility of cutting the tax breaks for 2nd home owners in the forthcoming budget and cut in fuel duty staying the same. So were where 2nd home owners given a tax break to start with?

What Jeremy Hunt has to do is unfreeze the threshold for pensioners and low income families to give them some tax relief on income. They still pay taxes on petrol, energy, etc. 

Tory support is also at an all time low, the Tory party are polling at the lowest level since records began in 1978. An Ipsos survey found only 20% of voters are still backing the Conservatives. That's down 7 points since January!

It will be interesting to see what happens in the local elections in May, because a lot of people are really fed-up with the Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition councils. I had to laugh when one of the councillors said that horse manure was bad for the environment. It reminded me of the times that dad used to stop the car to pick up horse manure to put on his roses! 

If the green agenda nutters get their way, there would be no horses, no dogs, and no farm animals. So it's interesting that dog ownership has increased hugely in recent years. I used to think that solar panels were a good idea, but now I know that they can't be recycled, I've changed my mind! 

The housing guys have a chat on housing, the election, economy and the budget. State of the nation, 

1 hour and 26 mins. 

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