
Monday 4 March 2024


Sunday's dream was about a property. The people that owned the property were in the property. The owners had been renting the property, and the renters had recently moved out. 

The woman was talking to my son and she was telling him that she had plans to change the flooring and what she would like to change. She explained that she'd like to make the flooring one level, so levelling up the floor below. There was one floor and then steps down to a different floor. It was a strange layout, so it must have been an old house. 

The woman was giving him all of the instructions on what she'd like done, he was in charge of the refit, the refurbishment and bringing the property up to date. He was like the foreman on the job, he was holding a clip board and taking measurements, discussing what would be possible because the structure of the flooring had to be changed. 

In dream interpretation improving the appearance of a floor, or laying a new floor, foretells profitable business activities and the dream was all about the floor. 

Interesting that this dream came about three days prior to the budget that will be announced on the 6th of March by Jeremy Hunt. Economists are asking for the income tax threshold to be increased to £20,000. To take pensioners and low income families out of paying tax on their income. Of course they still pay tax on the majority of what they purchase including petrol, energy, and other essentials. 

Last November, when GB News asked him about the threshold freeze, he was talking about growth, instead the country is in recession when he has to announce another budget. Not a very comfortable position to be in is it, when the country is 2 trillion in debt!

When a country is in recession it has a huge impact upon the housing market. Properties aren't selling as fast as they were and Wall Street shouldn't be allowed to purchase new houses. Don't prop up the housing market, allow prices to come down, so that people can afford to buy. In a recession, people that cannot afford to move, often renovate their homes instead. Although the cost of building materials and building costs have gone through the roof in recent years. 

It really is time for the freeze on the thresholds for taxation to stop, so that low income families can breathe a sigh of relief. I also think that child benefit should be means tested. There is one million legal migrants that are unemployed, they should all be deported because they are a burden upon the economy. That would be a huge saving in costs and impact on our infrastructure and housing issues. 

When David Cameron was the PM, he said that anyone earning less than £36K would have to leave the country. Then Priti Patel reduced it to £24K, and Suella Braverman increased it again to 38K. 

Small businesses also require help. Small business are the lifeblood of any economy. Business rates have always been far too high outside of London. 

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