
Tuesday 5 March 2024

18-24 Smart Phones Health Check

A recent report shows "18-24 year olds, who were the first generation to be born into a world of smartphones and social media, the younger they were when they got their first smartphone, the worst their mental health outcomes in adulthood. Some 74% of female respondents aged 18-24 who their first smartphone at age 6 had MHQ scores that fell within a distressed or struggling range. 

This decreased to 61 per cent for those who acquired their first smartphone at age 10, and 52 per cent for those who acquired their first smartphone at age 15". 

Another key finding was is the impact of processed food in the west. 

It proves once again that technology is not healthy for children.

I've also seen parents give babies smartphones so that they can watch cartoons on buses and in doctors surgeries. It's very clear that babies should not have any screen time at all. In fact, W.H.O. recommendations are no screen time at all prior to the age of three, yet, television is used has a babysitter. 

At age 4 only one hour of television is suitable, and increases by an hour each year. Hence, two hours at age 5, three hours at age 6 etc. 

The Environmental Health Trust presented a paper from South Korea and they found that their teens were were suffering from "cyber dementia". 

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