
Friday 5 January 2024


 I got into bed last night and then received the message "Saint Mary". 

Then this evening this video was on my recommended list, "St Mary's Home". Dublin, 4 A new home for (so-called) asylum seekers, (we all know that fighting age young men are economic migrants) then you see where the Irish homeless are on the streets of Dublin. Dublin is looking like a tent city. 

You can appreciate why the Irish are getting very cross indeed. Even scripture tells the people to look after their own flesh and blood. If the Irish government can't afford to house the Irish, why on earth are they making space for foreigners that is detrimental to the people of Ireland? It's heartbreaking for the Irish people. Charity starts at home. 

Research has been carried out in European countries and the researchers found that in countries with high immigration of non-western immigrants, it was costing billions each year in each country that they are residing in. A cost to the tax payers and the economy. It's no surprise then that the UK is trillions in debt. 

Maggie Thatcher did try to warn about the EU and that "their plan was too make the poor, poorer", she actually said that in the British parliament. One of the reasons that the trade unions were against joining the EU, they knew in the 70s that it would have a detrimental impact on the workforce, standard of living and quality of life. 

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