
Friday 5 January 2024


Biblical flooding, flood chaos across the UK: "Thames and Trent rivers have broken their banks, forcing hundreds of evacuations with 302 flood warnings in place - as rail firms cancel services with train routes resembling rivers."

Even London is flooding and at least 50 people have been evacuated from Hackney in London. 

1. The UK is densely overpopulated, farmers say that they are feeding 100M people, food stores told the Daily Mail that they're feeding 80M people. That's a lot of sewage for a sewage system that has existed for 100 years. The sewage system wasn't built for the vast population that now exists in the UK. It requires billions spent on it to address the sewage issues. Mass migration has increased the population substantially and in so doing the amount of sewage that the infrastructure has to try to cope with. 

2. They built on flood plains and they don't dredge rivers or clear out drains that should happen every year. 

However, in recent months we have received a lot of rain, people are saying that the flooding is worst than in 2016. Of course, the population has increased since then and there are a lot of new property developments. When the land is covered in concrete, where is the water meant to go? 

Mother nature is far stronger than the people that seek to control her. Nostradamus foretold that everything south of the River Thames would go under water. Although a lot of the UK is under water at this time with roads and train routes closed. People can't even work from home, when their homes are flooded. These are small Islands in the UK, surrounded by water, with rivers running through it. 

Prophet Isaiah also provided an Island prophecy, if you are interested read your bibles. Or search for Isaiah Island Prophecy. 

Some parts of Germany and France is also flooding. 

Appliances and technology doesn't like water, nor do car and bus engines. I was on a bus in 2023 and the bus refused to start due to the rain. EV cars don't like water either, there was a story last year when after a night of rainfall, the young woman's new EV refused to start. She was told that her new car was a write off. People with common sense don't try to drive through water. 

"Listen to me you Islands, hear this, you distant nations. Before I was born the LORD called me; from my mother's womb he has spoken my name". Isaiah 49:1 

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