
Friday 5 January 2024


In the UK, the sewage system was built 100+ years ago, it is a "combined sewage system", that transports rain water and sewage in the same pipes.  Our population has more than doubled since the sewage system was originally created. 

The Farmers told the Daily Mail in 2023, that they're feeding 100M million in the UK, that's a lot of sewage coming out of the other end. And our sewage system cannot cope with the amount of sewage when there is a lot of rain and storms. Plus they don't dredge the rivers, they don't unblock and clear the drains, they continue to build on flood plains. 

Now deluge of sewage has swamped nearly 100 beaches on England's south coast after Storm Henk battered Britain. Seaside areas include Hove, Folkstone and Newquay. there is an area map pinpointing the areas impacted in this Daily Mail article. Swimming is now unsafe and I'd say don't take your dogs near rivers or beaches. 

Thames Water have been dumping raw sewage into rivers for the past week in 270 different locations.

This video was made two years ago. 

Based on government stats there are 434 inhabitants per square kilometre in England. However, we know that the population rate is much higher than ONS figures. When Theresa May was Home Office minister, Border Control knew many people had come into the country, they didn't know where they went or whether any of those people had left the country, and it hasn't stopped. Our country has been invaded. 

It's not only sewage that is an issue either, we're also running out of landfill. The infrastructure of the UK was not built for mass migration. 

This video was made 4 months ago. 

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