
Saturday 15 July 2023


Dr Conor Brady has been on a training course with Caroline Ingraham, I first heard about Caroline 20 years ago when she was teaching aromatherapy for horses. Her book on the subject matter was published in 1998. Hence a massive amount of experience of working with animals, over 38 years. 

Since that timeline she has developed Zoo Pharmacognosy and Conor has written a great article on what happened when he attended Caroline's training course. Conor reports on the experiment on him and other attendees with liquorice powder. The experiment was to help participants to comprehend the aromatic language of dogs. It is worth a read.

Caroline's website says the following: 

"Caroline has developed a new branch of ethology, studying animals self-medicative behaviours in response to aromatic plant extracts. This has led to the Ingraham Method of Individualised Medicine, (IMIM) which teaches a safe and effective approach to animal self-medication".

NOTE: Conor was told that liquorice powder is for the adrenals, whereas my recommendation for humans is that liquorice is for the GI tract and the back, it is also an anti-inflammatory. Conor says he eats a lot of liquorice. Big smiles! I had an eating disorder has a child so my dad would get me to eat liquorice to keep my bowels open and I've eaten liquorice ever since. Although you will find a blogpost on this url on the liquorice powder from June, 2016.

For the adrenals you can't beat celery for detoxifying after any veterinary medications and vaccinations. I began giving my puppy celery when he was quite young to chew on. Also boiled some celery and made celery ice cubes for him in the summer. He does like an ice cube. 

He's been eating some grass recently, and many animals eat grass for the K1 that their bodies transform into K2, of course there are many other great nutrients in grass too. 

I will definitely treat myself to one of Caroline's most recent books that are available from her website or from Amazon. Although I don't buy from Amazon, my bank banned Amazon from taking any money from my account. 

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