
Monday 17 July 2023


Katie Hopkins has picked up on the story of the building of a mega mosque at the Trocadero in London's entertainment centre in the West End. The famous Trocadero is on the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue and Piccadilly. It is a huge historic building that was built in 1856. 

The name of the Muslim billionaire property developer is Asif Aziz and in 2017, he told a court that he had "faked" a marriage certificate in Malawi to bring an adopted child into the UK. Why did he "lie" to immigration and why has he been allowed to break the law and stay in the UK? 

Asif Aziz and his family should have been deported for breaking the law. It's never too late Home Office.

One of my ancestors had a flower stall outside of it, there were florists in our family. Has time went on the pitch was moved to the other side of Piccadilly Circus and it became a stall for selling souvenirs. In the 60's, there was a disco called Tiffany's in the building, a place where many teens went to dance. 

This link gives you some history of the building.

In the meantime, MI5 have warned the Home Office that Islamists are still planning acts of terrorism in the UK. Frankly, all Mosque building should be banned. You are not allowed to build Churches in Islamic countries and the same should apply in the UK, no mosques.

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