
Saturday 10 December 2022


Jason Goodman is another person that is suing Christopher Boucy from Bot Sentinel for defamation. 

Goodman says he is an investigative journalist and was investigating a murder when Bouzy showed up to shut him down in social media. This is particularly relevant when we know that there are other defamation cases against Bot Sentinel and Christopher Boucy. Plus we are aware that people that were working for Twitter were selling blue check marks for $15,000 prior to Elon Musk taking over. 

Boucy gets paid to represent clients and he had Twitter insiders working with him too. I hope that you can connect the dots. At the beginning of this video the attorney, known has DUI Guy featured an article about Christopher Boucy, although neither of the guys in the video support cancelling anyone. DUI Guy was in court during the Depp -v- Heard defamation case and since then he has done a lot more on YT.

Jason Goodman of Crowdsource for Truth shares about his court case, plus a lot more that is relevant right now. Early on in the interview he mentioned the Clinton emails, James Baker that Elon Musk fired and more. 

1 hour and 19 mins. 

Nate the Lawyer is another man that is suing Bouzy, there is a different blogpost on that case posted earlier this month on this blog. The media have been phoning the former cop and New York Prosecutor to find out who Bouzy is due to him appearing in the Netflix Harry and Meghan docuseries.

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