
Sunday 11 December 2022


Latest news is that the World Economic Forum would like to slaughter millions of pet cats and dogs to fight climate change. Animal rights activists will be up in arms at this controversial new initiative from WEF. WEF's view is that killing millions of cats and dogs worldwide will reduce the "carbon pawprint" due to our pets eating meat. 

WEF has ordered the MSM to begin pushing their narrative on this WEF agenda. 

This short ten minute video on Rumble goes into the subject matter.

It's not just pet owners and their pets impacted by this. Has we know there is a multi-billion pet food industry and associated products. In the UK, pet owners changing over to raw pet food is the fastest and biggest change the pet food industry has ever witnessed. In the last couple of years, dog ownership in the UK has also increased by 3 million dogs. 

Let's face it WEF doesn't only want to get rid of cats and dogs, they're intent on reducing human population too, members of WEF say that the future doesn't require you. 

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