
Saturday 10 December 2022


Last week we received an email from our local dog creche that there was a bout of Kennel Cough and Chest infections going around in our area, plus its airborne. 

Then during the night my pup was coughing, then again this morning an hour after his breakfast. 

The advice is to observe him for the next few days because sometimes they can shake it off, especially if they have had the Kennel Cough vaccination, which he has. Although they can still catch it. 

So he is indoors now for observation in the warmth, PDSA say if there is any signs of loss of appetite, lethargy, or high temperature, then take him immediately to the vets.

If he does have it, then he will have to stay away from other dogs and public places where dogs go for 2-3 weeks, it is highly contagious. That means he will have to stay indoors, although, I don't think he will mind too much, has he doesn't like the cold, rain or wind and temperatures are freezing in the UK this week. He is a good boy, potty trained on training pads. 

Here's hoping he can shake it off because he has a Dog's Christmas Party to attend on the 14th December, 2022. Hopefully, he will be fine to go. 

Can Dogs Have Honey? 

After they are a year old, they can, a half to a teaspoon a day for my dog's size to help him this weekend and then we will see how he goes.

It's really important that they have plenty of rest and the advice is not to take them out on the lead and collar. PETMD share that we can give the dog a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. I gave my dog one teaspoon of honey in his second meal of the day. I will see how he gets on with that prior to giving him anymore. If he's fine with that then I can increase it, putting a little in his water.

A little amount of Coconut Oil and Cinnamon can also be given to the dog. My dog likes Coconut Oil very much, when he was very young he would lick a little off my fingers.

What else do I have in stock, some Verm-X liquid for his gut microbiome. A supplement that can be given to him daily to help his immune system.

Dogs can also have a little ginger and garlic, I put those in his home cooked chicken and lambs liver treats, I keep those in the freezer. 

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