
Saturday 26 March 2022


I received another dream this morning, it was a beautiful house that I had restored and what I was looking at was contemporary. I'd found a buyer that was eager to purchase the house, alas, I couldn't move on just yet because I hadn't found another suitable property to move into. In the Russian hat dream received recently it indicated "marking time", staying put for the time being.

The restored house was lovely, I was so happy that I'd made such a great job of it. In my heart, I didn't really wish to leave the restored house because it was so beautiful. 

It was a large house, so the moving could be to do with the cost of energy. However, in dream interpretation an old house signifies a reunion or renewed friendship. 

A new house predicts financial security. Building a house or seeing one under construction forecasts an unexpected gain, possibly via a legacy. Buying a house indicates a short but exciting love affair. Selling a house augurs a release from pressing responsibilities. 

In spiritual symbology, the house is a world centre, the centre of our world. It is the sheltering aspect of the Great Mother, an enclosing symbol of protection. In the UK this weekend, Sunday the 27th of March is Mothers Day, aka has Mothering Sunday. 

My pup hasn't been very well again this morning, bless him. I could hear him chucking up, prior to getting up but it was only water and a little acid reflux. At least his stools were firm enough to pick up. I think it is possibly giardia again, unfortunately, giardia is everywhere in the environment and it is very difficult to keep a dog away from where other dogs go when you live in an area where there are a lot of dogs.  He has begun his medication. 

I asked for help for a friend on the 24th, the next morning, 25th I was shown a team of husky dogs and passed the message on. Husky dogs are working dogs, they have so much energy it is boundless. Those dogs are not really suitable for a small property and that is why so many of them end up at rescue centres. 

I've heard two stories in the last couple of weeks of families that have bought puppies then had to give them away to other pet owners because they couldn't manage the spaniels. Cocker Spaniels are also working dogs and they love to run. 

To have a dog, you really have to have the space and the time to dedicate and devote to the animal. One of the reasons that I waited until retirement to get a puppy, so that I can devote the time to him that he requires. It is his birthday on Sunday, one year old and he is an adorable companion. 

The 26th March, is the "Day of Integrity". 

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