
Saturday 26 March 2022

History of Klaus Schwab

Investigative Journalist, Johnny Vedmore shares with Dr Reiner Fuellmich, the history of Klaus Schwab, his family, WEF lineage and connection with the CIA. Their plan was to control Europe. 

Towards the end of the discussion, Putin's name is mentioned and the journalist says that Putin wasn't selected by WEF to be a leader. He says that WEF selected three people from the KGB for intelligence purposes and Putin was one of the three. 

However, the journalist didn't tell Reiner Fuellmich that Putin resigned from the KGB. Putin told Oliver Stone that he resigned because he didn't like the actions of the KGB. That conversation came about due to Oliver Stone questioning Putin about Edward Snowden, in response Putin didn't agree with the action that Snowden took and he said that Snowden should've done, what he did, resign.

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