
Sunday 27 March 2022



It is also my pup's birthday today, he's now a year old. Bless him. My mum would've loved him and she loved to have a dog in the home. There is a saying that a house is not home without a dog in it. 

I recently received a happy house dream, the home the centre of the great mother. My mum made a beautiful home for us to grow up in, a home that would last her lifetime. She wasn't into buying new furnishings every couple of years, changing with the fashions.  

She was certainly prudent due to growing up in a war torn world of WW2. I think our parents were far more appreciative of what they could afford than young people are today. My mum was a saver and she taught her children to save up for what they would like in life. 

I also tried to instil the saving aspect with my son but ATM's didn't help when children thought all you had to do is go to the bank to get money. It didn't cross their minds that we had to earn the money to access it at the ATM.

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