
Sunday 25 July 2021


This morning I had a dream of rock stars and we were in a large house that they owned, and they were moving out. Different trucks arrived with different construction materials, I saw the hardcore being unloaded.  A lot of construction works was about to happen to the house. 

At the back of the house there was a large field with a wonderful view across the horizon. Then far away in the English green pastures I saw a military helicopter with two people getting into the helicopter, I wondered who the woman and man were. Then I saw a bus of young disabled people in it and the bus was also in the field of nature. 

In the dream I knew who the rock stars were and we were talking a lot, then when I woke up I couldn't put a name to the rock stars that were in the dream. One of the rock stars looked like Brian May when he was younger. This is Brian on the roof of Buckingham Palace. 

On the 25th of May, 2020, Brian May was in the news due to blocked arteries, he nearly had a heart attack. Brian is in his 70s and that age group were being offered the injections prior to May 2020. 

His bandmate, Roger Taylor was telling people to get the jab in February 2021, (has featured in NME) and we all know how that turned out for Eric Clapton. So when exactly did Brian May get the injections before or prior to the blocked arteries? Does Brian know what the Nanotechnology mRNA injections do to the arteries? 

Who else long curly hair? Jimmy Page.


If you dream of someone famous it signifies that you will get help from an unexpected source. An old house can signify a reunion or renewal of an old association, it can also signify a life achievement. 

Building a house or seeing one under construction can forecast unexpected gain possibly through a legacy. If you see fields in your dream it can have many different meanings. If the field was green and pleasant it signifies great prosperity and happy circumstances in both personal and business affairs. 

To dream of a plane and people travelling in it, you are likely to hear news from a distance or concerning someone who lives far away. People travelling by bus can indicate progress of a hearts desire. I wonder if it relates to those disabled people that I have helped in the past. I was involved in fund raising for disabled people, for two different local charities. I was also involved in working with young disabled people, helping them with their heart's desire for spiritual growth and development. 

It was hands on and I always shared the truth with them responding to all of their questions the best way that I know how. I found that some disabled people have a great thirst for spirituality, and great Spirit. Those who had parents that were willing to bring their disabled children to the spiritual community, prospered greatly in the healing process. 

They loved the energy that they found in the spiritual community, it brought great joy to their souls. One young man even came to stay with me a couple of times, my door was always open to those families that required help, just has the biblical prophecy foretold that it would be. 

Brian May re-released this song on the 25th July, 2021, the same day has the dream was received, it was originally written for a Ford TV commercial. It was Brian's first solo hit, it was originally released in November 1991. More info written in text with the music video.


  1. Charlie Watts, Rolling Stone, won't be touring the US with the band due to an operation the report says. He lives in the south country of the UK.

  2. Brian May calls Eric Clapton a fruitcake for being anti-vax. Eric Clapton came out against the jabs after taking two of them that made him very ill. May certainly has no compassion for those that are suffering in many countries from the injections. They're not vaccines Brian, open your eyes and listen to the doctors and scientists that have carried out their investigation. It is time for Nuremberg 2.0.

  3. Charlie Watts passed over on the 24th of August, 2021. We were both born in the same hospital, and our mothers had the same name. R.I.P. Charlie


  5. Dr Loraine Day, "its not a vaccine, it's a kill shot".
