
Sunday 25 July 2021


This video on Bitchute is titled, "Covid Criminals will be held accountable" says Dr Fleming warning against Novavax. During this presentation Fleming mentions Prion disease caused by these injections, plus a lot more.

When I looked into the Novavax jab, I found that there were moths in the injections. I looked into it due to a Christian friend volunteering for a trial in the UK for Novavax. I had warned him a long time in advance not to take any of the injections. The testimony of warning was delivered. 

Prophet Isaiah delivered a "Moth Prophecy", and in scripture Jesus also mentioned the moths. The photograph of that blue moth was taken in a home of people that also took the injections. Although they didn't say which brand they took into their bodies. In that home I also noticed the headline on a newspaper, "The time is nigh". 

Dr Fleming says that he is working with lawyers in the UK, that are bringing legal actions for "Crimes against humanity", the injections are in breach of Nuremberg Codes. Medics can also be held accountable. 

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