
Saturday 24 July 2021

Message "Iliad"

On the 22nd of July, while posting on-line watching the interactions of others I was given the message "Iliad". Homer wrote the Iliad and apparently it means "Poem of Troy". The war had been going on for ten years, but Homer only wrote about what happened in the last four days. 

The message was given during the incoming energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius, for some that was on the 23rd of July, for others it is on the 24th of July, 2021. 

Since the message was received, the Greeks were carrying the cross in the face of the riot police in Athens.  The French are also taking on the French government. 

However, there has also been the announcement about Harry and his books that he and Meghan plan to launch. More attack from Harry, more of his "instability", 24th of July, is the "day of instability".  There is a saying in psychology that one should avoid changing partners, career/job and home where you live all at the same time because it impacts heavily on a person's stability structure. Harry did all three if we include him leaving his relationship with his family and homeland.  His real stability and security was swept away by Meghan. 

"Instability" can motivate people to be "irrational", and some people are experiencing that behaviour from others in their environment. In my younger years I used to stay in on nights when it was a full moon, due to the impact of the full moon on the emotional behaviour of people. Very few people have integrated self-mastery. 

If anyone is going to kick off, it usually happens on a full moon, so staying home was the safest option in my younger years, unless I was on a date, picked up from home and returned home. Caution is always best in awareness of the planetary energies and their impact on the psychology of people's mind frame. Remember the teachings of Jesus to his followers not to anger and don't be afraid. 

Be courageous in the face of adversity, do not trigger, respond, don't react. Think through your words, deeds and actions carefully and consider what is motivating you.  Some great pictures from the protest in London today, Trafalgar Square, a patriotic location where I fed the birds with my dad.

When Harry takes on the monarchy, he takes on its Queen and what is known has Queen's Counsel in the UK. Not surprising then that the Obama people are backed by big tech and that has led to YT removing videos provided by lawyers to inform the general public that legal actions are being taken against the gene technology that is killing and harming thousands. It is impacting on millions of people in our countries. 

One whistleblower from inside the CDC has said there is has many has 45,000 fatalities in America and that is only from one system reporting on it. Apparently, in America there 11-12 different systems reporting on the adverse impact of the injections on the people of all ages to their government. A doctor from New York claims there has been at least 200,000 fatalities in response to the injections. 

Tom Renz in Ohio, was the first lawyer that I noticed had been removed from YT, and more recently last night, it was the video from the Covid 19 Assembly about the legal action against the MHRA to halt the injections of children with the nanotechnology mRNA. The barrister involved in that case is Francis Hoar, you can find him on Twitter and their website. 

Legal cases are going on in America and the UK in this context, lawyers, doctors and scientists are also involved in pursuing justice for humanity internationally. 

Whereas the person known has Prince Harry has so far supported the delivery of the genocide by promoting the injections to the people. Remember the saying, my body, my choice. This aquarian doesn't wear a mask, I refused the injections too. 

Not surprising that Harry's friends from Eton and the military are ready to throw Harry under the bus if he writes and publishes anything adverse about them. They've stayed loyal up to now, but everyone has their boundaries. Although Harry appears not to honour the boundaries of others.

The bible gives us various references about Princes. "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes". Psalm 118:9 "Do not put your trust in Princes, in human beings who cannot save". Psalm 146:3 

Elizabeth is Head of the Church of England, and Queen's Counsel take an oath of allegiance and swear by Almighty God that they will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors, according to the law.

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