
Tuesday 11 May 2021


After a bath, I massage my feet with healing oils, today while massaging my feet with lemongrass healing oil I was given the message 'T-CELLS". 

This is a scientific study on Epidermal T Cells and Wound Healing.

This is a scientific study on the power of Lemongrass against Cancer. 

According to W.H.O, more than 80% of the world's population rely on natural remedies to heal disease.

In an animal study it reduced blood pressure due to a direct effect on the vascular smooth muscle leading to vasodilation.

It was in October 2019, that Spirit first gave me the fragrance of Lemongrass, (archived on this blog). 

In the June 2019, I'd begun working on a serious health case and the divine guidance on the case just kept on coming. This health consultant is used to receiving divine intervention and divine guidance when I am actively working on a health case. 

At first I bought the healing oil to try, and bought it for friends that knew people with cancer. Then Spirit still kept on giving me the smell of Lemongrass. I then began cooking with it, recommended that others cook with it whilst carrying out some scientific research on it. 

In 2020, I began growing it, it is slow to grow from seed but once it gets going in the summer time it comes on great. It doesn't like the frost or winter weather, so if you decide to grow it then it does have to be undercover during the winter. 

Lemongrass had clearly come into my life for divine purpose and it became one of the healing oils and foods included in my existing "anti-cancer protocol". I recommend different protocols to those that ask yours truly to work on their health case. 

When I work on a serious health case, it can be intense, it is intensive work to help a person to make a breakthrough with their health conditions. It is very rewarding work when the client engages and works with it to give them longevity and a life extension. 

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