
Wednesday 12 May 2021


The live stream of the "Truth Over Fear" Conference was taken down by big tech social media. The teleconference was held on April 30-May 2nd. Over three days with 40 different presenters with a live Q&A. 

In this video of Robert F Kennedy Jnr, he shares that in the 1950's children received 3 vaccines. My generation. 

In this conference call he shares that pre 1989 there was only one in 10,000 children that had autism, after 1989 it increased to 1 in 34 children with autism. He was asked what changed, he explains that the law in America was changed in 1986 and after that big pharma no longer had financial or legal responsibility for their crimes against the children and their health. They could not be held accountable by the parents of the children. Robert also says that the doctors that administered the vaccines are not going to admit that the vaccines caused the damage to the children's brains and overall health. 

IQ in America has dropped 7%, and evidence shows that vaccines are the biggest contributor to disease.

The presentation from Dr Judy Mikovits on Nanotechnology mRNA can be found on Bitchute. Judy mentioned a study from 2004 whereby the clinical trial had to stop because people were getting MS.

That links into the message that I received about the MYELIN, the myelin surrounds the nerves and one of the nutrients that helps to regenerate the myelin is Choline. Mustard seeds are high in choline and so are red kidney beans. 

Dr Scott Jensen spoke about Covid 19.

If I come across anymore of the presentations I will update this blogpost.

The Legal Situation Presentation with the lead lawyer in the team of 1,000 lawyers that are suing World Leaders with 10,000 doctors. 

Reiner Fuellmich, 49 min presentation.

Dr Peter Breggin 

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