
Monday 10 May 2021


 On Sunday after rest when I opened my eyes I received this message. 

"It is the last time that you will see a corpse". 

The "corpse" is mentioned in the book of Mark, chapter 9. A story about a boy that was frothing at the mouth. Scripture shares that the body looked so much like a corpse that many said, "He's dead". It isn't a pleasant sight when you see a youngster going through the life of hard knocks. 

When the disciples of Jesus asked him privately, "why couldn't we drive it out?". He replied, "this kind can only come out by prayer". Prayer also has to be in integrity and in divine faithfulness anything is possible in the healing process. 

In Mark 9, Jesus called them an "unbelieving generation" and it is written that he said, "How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.". I smiled when I read those words, has I am known for saying, "I'm not putting up with you", or "I'm not putting up with this". 

The next message that I received, "You are an honorary". 

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