
Tuesday 16 March 2021


In February, on the Pfizer stats blogpost I shared a video that mentions the Israel stats.

Last night I found the NAKIM website and it explains how they came to the % that they did e.g. that under 65s have a 260% higher risk of dying of the Nanotechnology mRNA Pfizer jab than they do of catching and dying of Covid. 65s and over have a 40% higher risk of dying from the jab than they do of catching and dying from Covid. 

30,000 MD's in France presented this analysis to challenge the jabbing agenda in France.

Has far as I am aware the French have only managed to jab 5% of their population and over 50% of the population wrote back and said NO to the jabs. 

17 countries have now banned Astra-Zeneca. 

Doctors and Scientist have written to the European Medicine Agency demanding the withdrawal of authorisation of the experimental nanotechnology mRNA jabs.

Then there is the high risk factor of PRION disease being a result of the mRNA mechanism and that is fatal.

In Italy, a music teacher died the day after getting jabbed, there is now a "manslaughter" investigation.

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