
Monday 15 March 2021

ST PATRICKS DAY 17th March, 2021

2nd February, 2021, I received the message PATRICK and it means "Nobleman" buddy. So what is the plan my love?

I heard last night on a live stream that the Irish are planning a country wide "Anti-Lockdown Party" for St Patricks Day this year. News also received that Ireland has banned Astra-Zeneca due to the reports of blood clotting and fatalities in Norway. Many other countries have banned the jabs too. 

Last week I did write to the great friend in London to give him and his family the latest information on the jabs and legal actions that are being taken. 

In the UK 50% of mums are refusing PCR tests for their school children and I think that is indicative of the families that are refusing the jabs. 

Unfortunately, the governments didn't tell everyone the truth about the dangers of the jabs so that people could make a proper risk assessment. The potential for PRION disease is a serious health risk for people that take the jab. Has far as I am aware it is the mechanisms in the jabs that can create PRION and PRION is fatal.

Also people are being jabbed with injections that have Covid 19 in the jabs, doesn't that make people contagious? People are still catching Covid after they're being jabbed, so they're no better off by harming their own immune systems with the jabs. 

Has this blogpost is on St Patricks Day, let us give a large round of applause to Dr Dolores Cahill in Ireland for helping us all to comprehend the dangers of the jabs. The Irish are certainly Spirited. 

In this video Dr Dolores Cahill is being interviewed in Denmark. Vit D and Vit C were given nobel prizes 50 years ago. Ivermectin has a nobel prize given in 2015. 

What I will say about Vit C is that when it was discovered the medical scientists hadn't discovered Vit K and Vit C requires Vit K for assimilation. 

Also you have to be careful with Zinc, if you eat a carefully tailored diet for your health conditions then you should be getting enough zinc. When I took a Zinc supplement I gained neurological breast pains, when I stopped taking the zinc, the pains stopped. Too much zinc can impact on the copper in the body that is essential for the functioning of the body. 

What I do recommend that people take in food and drinks at this time is Cinnamon, for that is what the heavenly Father asked me for in March, 2014. Cinnamon is great for prevention of cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, heart, etc. 

We've just had the New Moon in Pisces, the Sun is in Pisces, and Mercury enters Pisces today too until April 3rd. Hence, you can anticipate hearing from a lot of Christians during this transit. So what does scripture say? It says not to cover your faces, the same as Dr Cahill. It says not to pierce your bodies, e.g no jabs. 

The 17th of March, is the "Day of Social Involvement". 

A great day for an Irish Beef or Lamb Stew. I always put Pearl Barley in my stews, mum always did also. 

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