
Tuesday 16 March 2021


Astra-Zeneca 10,507 Skin Disorders from 54,180 reports. 

There were four aborted babies in reaction to Astra-Zeneca jabs in the latest report.

Pfizer 6,809 Skin Disorders from 33,207 reports. 

18 aborted babies + 3 premature.

Not surprising then is it, that people that take the jabs also get skin disorders the same as they did with Covid because the injections include Covid. 

To those that are not aware that the mRNA jabs are NANOTECHNOLOGY, you might be interested to read this article about it. 

Tell the media to tell the truth. 

UPDATE Skin Disorders have increased since this blog post was made. 

Pfizer Skin Disorders have increased to 7,862 with one FATAL

Astra-Zeneca Skin Disorders have increased to 15, 656. 

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