
Sunday 21 February 2021

JESUS -v- mRNA Jabs

On the 25th of October, 2020, I was praying for friends and family while bathing then Jesus spoke of AMINO ACIDS.

1st November, 2020, news that Glycine had been found on planet Venus, it is an amino acid that is essential for life and for collagen.

13th of February, 2021, Jesus spoke of NANO TECHNOLOGY.

14th of February, 2021, a video presentation was shared from brighteon and it included information that the nanotechnology mRNA injections harms the amino acids in the body. 

A two hour presentation for those that are interested to learn more, this is a crucial time in our history and it is essential that people pay attention and glean all that you can.

The jabs harm a lot more than amino acids too. In America there were 2,947 fatalities reported in seven days and the youngest child that died after being jabbed was just one year old. The baby passed over within 24 hours of receiving the Pfizer vax.

Dr David Martin speaks about the mRNA injections, they're not vaccines and court cases have already begun. David says don't just share this with your friends, send it to law enforcement and your AG's in each of your states.

WW2 never ended it just went underground to rear it's head again. British TV commercial claims that Muslims developed the injections. Then when I dug deeper the most used injection was developed by two German Turkish Muslims. 

Now look at who is in charge of the injection crime against humanity in England. Nadhim Zahawi.

Then this evening a video was on my YT recommended list on glycine, an amino acid again. 

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