
Monday 22 February 2021

Dr David Martin on Bit Chute

Dr David Martin on Bit Chute shares about the injections and how "illegal" they are in American law. He says that court cases have already begun and that the gene technology is not a vaccine. David asks that you don't just share this with your friends, send it to law enforcement and your AG's in each of your states.

3,000 Americans died within 7 days of taking the jab, the youngest being a one-year old that passed over within 24 hours. These are official stats. One-third of the American military are refusing the jabs and that does make me think of Zechariah 13:8 prophecy. 

In Germany and France only 6% of the population are accepting the Astra-Zeneca jab. 

50% of the people in Manchester, England, didn't turn up for their injection appointments either.

I've complained to the Advertising Standards Authority about the TV commercial targeting the BAME community in the UK because it is against the law to advertise any prescribed medication directly to the consumer in the UK. I've also complained to the Daily Telegraph that uploaded the commercial to YT, and reported the ad to YT. YT haven't removed the ad yet, probably because they're getting paid to advertise the injections. 

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