
Tuesday 24 November 2020


I'm not a student of astrology, it has always been an interest in planetary configurations and how they impact upon our individual lives in different ways. Has the bible says there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. 

This sharing explains what an Antiscia is. It is a 30 minute presentation. 

The Sun in Sagittarius is forming an "Antiscia" with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. I have a Sagittarius ascendent so it is of interest. 

Another guy that I don't agree with on Trump. Those that have done their research know that Trump won the election. If Trump has released funds for transition it could be to encourage the Liberal Democrats to release the funds that Americans require.  

There is always a reason for why Trump does something and it is not always has it appears to be, you have to look beyond appearances. 

Trump's legal team are still pursuing the main court cases. 

Then there are other lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell taking legal action independently, representing the people and they're continuing with their court cases. That is different to the Trump's legal team. Has far as I am aware there are also private individual court cases that have been filed too. 

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