
Tuesday 24 November 2020


Professor Matthew Bate from the University of Exeter, UK, shares how people will be able to see this rare conjunction in late December, 2020.  The Great Conjunction of 2020 will be the closest in almost 400 years.  If you are interested in it, the University of Exeter, plan to provide a live stream of it. 

They would like people to register their email address so that they can let you know when they will live stream it. They have to live stream it on a clear night. 

I'm an Aquarius sun sign with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Scorpio. How about you? Where do these planets appear in your birth chart. 

Jupiter is a planet of joy and expansion. I view Saturn has the teacher that helps you to make the right turn. It can restrict to keep you on track or to get you on track. Hence discipline is a great word that can be symbolic of Saturn. I must admit I didn't enjoy my first or second Saturn Returns, although they were great times for character building. 

This conjunction will be an interesting one on a spiritual level, has Christmas tends to be a spiritual time for yours truly. 

Donna Page gives the date of 21st of December, 2020 for this conjunction in Aquarius. The key word for Aquarius is FREEDOM. 

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