
Tuesday 24 November 2020


On the 23rd of November I received a dream that indicated a property crash and the city and the coastline were featured in the dream. In the dream a shell of an apartment was being sold at a low price for the size and location of the property. I think it showed us that some property developers will go bust and that will impact upon housing property prices. The dream indicated that caution financially is essential at this time.

This video includes an investigation of business collapse on the southern coastline of England. It also includes some lovely countryside landscapes from Cornwall. This investigation was uploaded on the 4th of November, 2020. The 2nd wave of closures. 

So what does this guy say about the Housing Market Crash Update? Has we know people have been moving out of the big cities and going more rural for an improved quality of life for their families. Although it is logical that rising unemployment is going to impact upon property and rental prices. 

This report shares that New York it is now a buyers market. Chicago is moving closer to a buyers market due to the lockdown. Not surprised that people are moving out of Chicago,  Obama's city is one of the most violent cities in America. 

In this video the investigator mentions the Biden housing plan that has been implemented elsewhere and it doesn't work. Remember what Obama did with sub-prime mortgages and the amount of people that overstretched themselves, after that those properties taken from them due to negative equity.  

The 2008 housing crisis in America reminded me of the property crash in the UK in the 90s. Too much borrowing on property purchases doesn't give people enough leeway when times are tough and rough economically. This is an interesting video that includes the American housing market and what was happening prior to Trump taking office. 

How our countries go through a spiral of low interest rates to high interest rates in double digits. A repeating cycle. I remember the double digit interest rates in the 80s and 90s. 

The same with businesses it is important to have cash in your business to maintain fluidity and have flexibility to move with the times. In the UK, in the 90s, it was the property companies and businesses that were cash rich that survived the housing/property crisis. In a recession companies always go bust because they cannot withstand the financial pressure that happens. 

I was fortunate to survive it, I had a good corporate lawyer that made sure my mortgage protection plan paid out. In those days you could get legal aid to fight such consumer cases in the UK. 

I've said for some time that house prices are far too high, and in the UK that has been co-created by mass immigration and too much foreign purchase. Not only that but we have second home owners, and twenty years ago, a lot more people started investing in numerous homes to rent out and that also pushed up prices for first time buyers. Putting house purchase out of their reach. Yet, it is that age group that have been most in support of immigration that helped to put house purchase out of their reach. One could view diversity has treason against the indigenous people. 

I also warned the general public that attended MBS shows in the 90s after I received the Millennium Prophecies. 

It is now impossible for a young person to purchase property based upon their salary, they just can't get on the property ladder. Whereas when we bought our first property in the 70s, the mortgage was only 10% of our joint salaries. I had also saved up 10% of the purchase price since I began working plus more to pay for stamp duty and legal fees. How many young people are willing to save up for ten years to enable them to buy a property? I was 15 when I started full-time work and I was 25 when we bought our first home. 

Salaries haven't kept pace with living costs in the UK, and Steve Bannon said that salaries haven't increased in real terms since the late 70s while prices have soared since then. 

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