
Thursday 26 November 2020


Last night I listened to the three hours of the Senate hearing about "Voter Fraud" in Pennsylvania. I listened to every witness statement. 

I find it interesting how the American Senate has the oversight in the different states. I think we should have this judicial system in the UK in the different counties to rid the counties of "corruption"  and in the local council operations. In the UK there is no legal oversight of operations on a county level like they have in America. 

While I was listening to this hearing, for some of it I was laying on the couch and when I closed my eyes I was shown a vision of a white sheet of paper. It was an excel sheet and it had a red bar at the top and a red bar at the bottom. In between the two red bars it was pink with black lines and on the lines there were loads of numbers. Every time I closed my eyes I was shown the same vision again. What can I take from that? Pennsylvania is definitely a win for RED and President Trump.

Happy Thanksgiving America, today I hear there have been some convictions in California too. 

Also President Trump has pardoned General Flynn this thanks giving. A big thanks to General Flynn who was legally represented by Sidney Powell. Sidney has launched a "criminal investigation" into the voting machine disaster and other lawyers are onto what happened during the election too. 

Lawyer, Lin Wood has been proving updates on his Twitter feed regarding his state. 

Excel indeed for this forthcoming Lunar Eclipse in GEMINI. 

Let's have a song from the JOY album. 

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