
Saturday 10 October 2020


Pluto is now direct in Capricorn. What role has practicality played in your life? Life shifts and Pluto is generational in Capricorn we're talking about stability and the structure of your lives. Particularly important to how you live your lives, remembering that some generations had far better parenting. So for instance my parents did their utmost to make their children strong enough to cope with life and it's constant changes. 

It is parenting that helps to make children strong independent people, it is the best of parenting that provides stability and balance for children. To ensure growing upwards into adulthood so that young people are ready to meet the world. Children learn what they live, when parenting is strong and disciplined, children become confident people. When children have confidence in their parental role models, they develop confidence in themselves. 

It can take a life time for people to appreciate the power of parenting on relationships and compatibility.

And it is far easier for a couple if their upbringing has been similar. It certainly helps understanding of each other and where each other are coming from. It isn't just about coming from the same culture or location either, it goes much deeper into the personalities and hard won victories of your families. 

Pluto in Capricorn is transformative and one of the most important transits for helping humanity to regain what is really important for living life. The American revolution happened during the last Pluto in Capricorn transit. Hence the election in America and who is elected will strongly impact on the future of America. President Trump certainly reared strong and confident children in his own family life, Donald Trump the protector.

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