
Saturday 10 October 2020


In the UK the government has given £1.5BN to Churches while 18 million people cannot access the medical treatment that they require. Can the Churches keep people alive? When did Churches in the UK ever teach the real Christ teachings? 

Check in on scripture, Jesus didn't ask for money to be given to religious buildings, scripture says that he said that his healers would find a worthy person to provide for his worthy healers who are worth their keep, didn't he also say the workers were few.  The mystical healers are the true followers of the mystical Christ teachings. Prophecy is true, in these hands one healer became a thousand. 

How do you think Jesus funded his spiritual community of healers? They were paid to give healing to the poor and monies they raised from the worthy were given to the spiritual community that Jesus lived in with his students.  They healed each other, grew food together, ate together, a healing community. 

How many parents take their children to meet one of his healers? Mine did, truly blessed. Although my dad had the most amazing healing hands, really hot. He gave mum healing often has they sat upon the sofa watching TV. 

£1.5BN to Churches it sounds like Boris is buying the Christian Church vote, he certainly can't buy my vote for the next election. 

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