
Friday 9 October 2020


During this presentation the nervous system is impacted by this Mercury Retrograde. Ashley from SkyHouseHerbs shares her herbal recommendations during this presentation. You might find it interesting. They paid for their herb garden development with a Kickstarter prior to moving to their current location. 

What do I recommend? St John's Wort for regaining balance. Rescue Plus with Vit B. Vit B-Complex if you receive any shocks to the system or recovering from a shock to a treatment, whether that is dental, medical or from an accident. Those born in the year of the Rooster are prone to accidents for the rest of this year, so be very cautious Roosters. 

Food for the nervous system I recommend fresh melon, fresh pineapple, or tinned if you can get fresh for the nervous system. The nervous system likes soft gentle food. So soups are also ideal. The philosophy being, be tender with your body an your body will be tender to you. 

Food for adrenals that impact on the kidneys is celery, it goes great in soup too with coconut milk and I like to include fresh chives.  The nervous system also likes coconut milk and Greek yoghurt. 


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