
Friday 9 October 2020


I dreamt of a man and he was with a woman that looked liked the American actress Eleanor Parker has she appeared in the Sound of Music. 

I said to him, "I thought we were getting married in Monaco". It sounds like we should be looking at what is happening in Monaco. There is Monaco the tiny principality, Monaco the band, and Club Monaco a fashion company. 

Billionaires have been moving to the Monaco principality has no tax is paid in that location. During the virus crisis billionaires increased their income by 27% while other businesses are suffering everywhere with businesses closing their doors in the UK. This article includes the story of the latest billionaire that has moved to Monaco from the UK. He was the third-highest tax payer.

In dream interpretation "to dream of an engagement (made or broken) is a forecast of family and/or romantic troubles. Cultivate a philosophical attitude, for it is how you respond to it that matters."

From experience I know that when there are extreme financial issues it can bring the greatest pressure upon a relationship/family. So many relationships and marriages split up during the last recession in the UK. Recessions have a huge impact upon family life and Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio on the 13th of October until the 3rd of November. Scorpio's are tenacious and can be unforgiving of an injustice. 

Although the Sun is in Libra and we have a Libra new Super moon on the 16th, a balanced perspective is essential in this timeline.  Libra is ruled by Venus and that can impact upon relationships and finances. So what will you start doing on the 16th? The 16th is the "Day of Essential Justice". 

A challenging week ahead, how will you respond to it? I'm self-nurturing and paying attention to my own health and life. Rest, nutrition, exercise on my inversion table, sauna/steamer, time for this RM to  give to herself a Reiki treatment. Of course, I also have to take my supplements and it is a good idea to take your Vit D after breakfast. Although I have a number of different supplements to take. 

"To dream of going abroad means you will make an influential new friend in the near future"

The 9th of October is the "Day of Intuition", and today is the last day of the Sukkot holiday. It is a lovely sunny day in the UK, a great day for gardening and preparing for the wintertime. 

Do remember that the choices that people make now will impact upon the next 100 years due to the planetary configurations. So choose wisely! The last time that Pluto was in Capricorn was during the 1700's at the time of the American revolution. 

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