
Wednesday 28 October 2020


On the 18th of October I shared an article on how some white blood cells can induce Rheumatoid Arthritis.

White Blood Cell Count

Today, there is an article in the Daily Mail that features the crippling impact of the new cancer drugs being used, they have a side effect of triggering R.A. in 10% of patients receiving the drugs. Doctors are now discovering what the damaging effects of these drugs are. You can't call them wonder drugs now can you medical profession when medics say that Rheumatoid Arthritis is an incurable disease. Although they say that about a lot of different diseases. 

R.A. doesn't just impact upon the joints in the body, it also impacts detrimentally upon the organs in the body, can impact upon eyesight too. Although nutrition and lifestyle changes can vastly improve the condition and some people have managed to turn their lives around.

If would be interesting to know what other health conditions the 10% had because if those people already had a skin condition due to mutated genetics that also makes people incredibly vulnerable to the toxicity of the new cancer drugs. 

I've also shared that having tattoos is a poison to the body and that can also trigger R.A. A chef, Seamus Mullen had his chest and arms tattooed and he had R.A. in the shoulders prior to turning his life around. He wrote a book called "The Healing Power of Food". 

While praying for a man with stage 4 cancer and a different man with R.A last week. I was given the message "Amino Acids".

Before any toxic cancer treatment begins those patients should have received extensive testing for nutritional deficiencies, so that the body can be given everything that it requires to help defend the body and its dynamic self-healing system. 

Medical scientists know that most diseases start due to nutritional deficiencies. Even with R.A that is triggered by a viral infection, indicates that the body is deficient and cannot defend itself against viral infections. 

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