
Saturday 3 October 2020


A lovely song for this timeline of "State of Flux". Remember in the midst of difficulty opportunities can be seen. Some business people think that they have to fight for business in this difficult timeline. 

I didn't have to fight for business, not even during the big recession in the UK. The heavens opened for yours truly and I was shown the way to overcome. It requires trustful faithfulness to the divine plan for your soul. 

We had a win yesterday in my location, justice carried for a young family. A time for celebration, the child is coming home in harmonic concordance with the divine plan. 


When you are aligned with your purpose for being, whatever business I required landed in my lap. Whatever clients I required landed in my lap, whatever patients could be helped by yours truly were brought to me, whatever friends were necessary were brought too. Even buddies that found me on-line, all was in divine timing that was perfectly aligned, 

Wisdom is divinely guided to make the right moves at the right time, wisdom more precious than rubies. Wisdom with insight has mentioned in biblical prophecy in the book of Revelation, I was called and the rest is history now. 

The difficulty for business people in this timeline is that the choices that people make now will impact upon the next 100 years. Apparently the planet will not be in this planetary configuration again during our lifetimes. Hence life choices are crucial for the future of your children and their children, are your hands open to receive? Are you aligned with the divine purpose of your soul? Are your foot steps guided appropriately? 

I found it interesting that three times today, I bumped into a former close friend who I last saw years ago. Divine guidance was given to her numerous times to get her on track with her mission and divine purpose for being. Divine providence indeed and the numeric of 3 is of Spirit and Wisdom. 

Today a Christian Reiki Master Teacher also telephoned, we were joyful to share good news together. We hope to meet up soon when she returns some of my books. 


Then this evening a man that I've known for nearly 40 years decided to come and see me, it was his birthday last week. Fortunately, I had made an almond cake this evening for Sukkot. I made him laugh so hopefully his vibration is higher than it was prior to his visit. I also gave him a copy of my meditation healing CD to listen too, to help him to rest his brain. 

In alignment with the planets big smiles.

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