
Friday 2 October 2020

SUKKOT 2nd October 2020

Chabad share that the Jewish holiday of Sukkot begins today, 2-9 October.  "Sukkot celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection G-d provided for the children of Israel." 

Venus entered Virgo today 2nd of October, I am happy to report that I received some great news today in respect of a young family whom I began helping in 2019.  My sense is that the judge had already made his decision prior to the hearing and the hearing today was just a formality. Virgo's like formality and everything to be in it's right place especially in relationships and friendships. Love has to have a purpose when Venus is in Virgo, so make sure that purpose is in your heart, mind and soul.

Venus will be in Virgo until the 27th October, 2020. I like Venus transits it is always interesting what it brings forth. 

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