
Sunday 4 October 2020

Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio, mercury the planet of communications and Scorpio with a sting in it's tail. Hence you can anticipate some intense, deep and profound communications, although you will also witness some very sharp and direct responses to the issues that people face. 

Certain realities that impact upon children have to be challenged and that includes Smart Meters and use of mobile phones in the presence of babies, toddlers and young children. People are being told by sales people that it is law to install Smart Meters, it is not law in the UK.

Mobile phones should have health warnings on them. With only 19 people in a million people dying of Covid, people have more chance of dying from their use of technology than they have from Covid 19. So stop the panic, stop the rules and regulations that are impacting detrimentally on the health of the people. 

Hence, make sure that your communications are direct and straight to the point if and when you know the facts of the case. Technology use has been left to the discernment of the individual, it is a life choice. 

However, people must do their own research on the detrimental impact of EMF's on nature and our environment. Don't allow your little lambs to be slaughtered by the big corporations devices that don't care about you or your health. Has parents and guardians of children, it is your responsibility at the end of the day. 

Remember this is Sukkot celebration for harvest time, a time when G-d protects his children.  

What stops children's creativity and invention? Too many toys. Has a mother, a parent and a spiritual psychologist I totally agree with this Canadian, have a listen to Ann Makosinki. A brilliant presentation on why she doesn't use a Smart phone. 

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