
Thursday 29 October 2020

FULL MOON IN TAURUS 31st October 2020

This Full Moon on the 31st of October is on the "Day of Attentiveness". David shares with us what is happening planetary wise October 28-November 3, 2020. The Full Moon is in Taurus and the Sun is in Scorpio. Mercury also goes direct this week in Libra on the 3rd of November. On the 10th, Mercury moves into Scorpio. Are you being attentive to what is happening in your life now and those that you are close too. Are you being attentive to your family, friends and contacts? 

David wasn't the only person that predicted a plague. On the 3rd of September, 2019, I received a dream that China was going to try to kill us all and Trump came roaring out of a turbine to put a stop to China.  

Remember it is was Donald John Trump that closed the airports in America very early on. The dream was logged on this blog at the time of the receipt of the dream in 2019. I've started wearing my leather gloves again, you tend not to touch your eyes or mouth when you have your gloves on. It also helps if you wear glasses too because that also stops you from touching your eyes. 

I have to remember to wear gloves when I am gardening too as my ENT consultant thinks that my recent ear infection came from the bacteria in the soil. Remember be attentive, what did you learn in the last month to take you forward into the next phase of your life, have you been paying attention during October? Did you read or listen too what we've been sharing on this blog? Has you will find many messages being passed on. Take what has meaning for you and your life, the meaning of life is to find out the meaning of your life. 

David mentions the garden of life in his planetary configuration presentation, the garden of my life and prosperity has been food growing for health and nutrition. I've got blueberries and ice cream or Greek yogurt today. 

Although prior to that I am going to have an English breakfast with mushrooms and beans for my amino acids. I shall have a couple of eggs and some saute potatoes with the mushrooms and beans. 

Its fascinating to me that cats and dogs also have amino acid deficiencies and the Italian breed Lagotto digs for truffles and likes to eat them too. This week I was also given a vision of a Lagotto puppy. Spirit work in mysterious ways. Everything is pointing towards the same direction for yours truly, even the Italian dog. Remember it was a dog that licked Lazarus and some Italians believe that the Lagotto existed in 800BC. It is an ancient Italian breed. 

Truffles are buried treasure David, truffles are worth more than gold, the Sacred Mushroom.  My dad loved going to pick mushrooms just before sun up. We would be walking back from the fields to cook the mushrooms has the sun was rising. I have lovely memories of my Aries dad, living with nature. 

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