
Thursday 29 October 2020


The 30th of October is the "Day of Overseer", overseer of souls. Biblically, Joseph was an overseer that saved the people from a famine by making sure that they had plenty of food stored up. So how is your food storage going for winter? I keep on telling a young neighbour to invest in his food stocks because I think this winter is going to be a cold one. 

Even now, the nights are very cold in the UK. I stock up every autumn for winter time, just in case there are times when I can't get out to get food. My freezer is full of home cooked meals for when I don't feel like cooking. 

I keep on having dreams of English business contacts in this month of October. October, the month I bought my red car that I now call the October winner. I keep on being given visions of dogs and messages from Jesus about anatomy. I found it interesting that both humans and animals have been found to have amino acid deficiencies. See the previous blog posts. 

Are you an overseer of souls? What presents shall you give this year? I've already planned it, I shall give food hampers with food for specific health conditions. 

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