
Friday 30 October 2020


Three days on the trot test centres were visited, each day, no patients at the test centres in the UK. The question is being asked why are these test centres empty? A few weeks ago a neighbour was asked to get a test by his GP and he was told there were no appointments. In Wales people were sent information about their tests being positive, when they didn't even go for the test. 

News yesterday, France and Germany are going on full lockdown again. Has we know the World Bank/IMF are offering governments loans if they lockdown their countries and enforce curfews. 

Yesterday there was a case of a Christening party for 20 people in England and the police closed down the party and fined the family £10,000. The police are involved in "tyranny", because we know that these lockdowns are illegal in international law. We are waiting for the result of the judicial review on the illegal lockdowns. While our people are in lockdown and businesses are suffering economic collapse, the test centres are empty. 

The filming of the centres was carried out by Ministry of Dissent, Dissent is a Human Right in international law. You can find Ministry of Dissent on Twitter, posting updates. 

Remembrance Day has been cancelled in London by the Muslim Mayor, Sadiq Khan. 

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